First Impressions – You Only Get One Chance
Many times a design project which starts within the client’s interior, often extends to the outside. It is the approach, after all, that sets the mood, and tone for who lives in the home, and their style.
Here is a home which was completely transformed.
We painted the house from the existing grey to a warm yellow. The old foundation plantings were removed and a new design layout was installed. Perennials were planned so that there were always flowers in bloom during the spring and summer, and berry and evergreen interest during the fall and winter. A flagstone walkway was installed and stone walls were rebuilt.
Our collaboration continues each season, as I change the annuals and reset the stage for the next season.
The list below highlights some of the changes, you can also view the gallery of images to see the full transformation.
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- The old foundation plantings were removed and a new design layout was installed.
- Perennials were planned so that there were always flowers in bloom during the spring and summer, and berry and evergreen interest during the fall and winter.
- A Flagstone walkway was installed and stone walls were rebuilt.
- A Belgium block apron was added to the driveway. Pillars, Boxwoods, and Nepeta grace the entrance, while path lighting directs you to the house.
- An old deck was dismantled and replaced with a mahogany one along with a storage area underneath, concealed by lattice.
- A flagstone patio was built and a graded walkway installed to minimize the steep slope from the patio to the driveway.
- Each season we change the annuals – in the summer, even the children’s dollhouse has pretty flowers.